Nina Mullins »

Our twins turn three :: Lexington Family Photographer

So today our twins….our beautiful and sweet twins….turn three. Wow. I know it’s cliche, but it seems like a heartbeat ago that we were meeting them for the first time on the other side of the world, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They were 7 months old then. And here we are, 2 and a half years later, celebrating their third birthday. They are different from each other in every way…well, except for one way…they love each other to death. They love to be together, and they don’t like to be apart. But they are different, different, different. Eliana loves princesses, hugs galore, Dr. McStuffins, shoes, dresses…anything girly you can think of….she is full of drama, a fantastic comedian, has a mind of her own, and is stubborn like her Mamma. Alex loves trucks, cars, vehicles that make noise, his little stuffed animal, Charlie (it’s his best friend!), and he’s tough as nails….i mean, seriously…yesterday he fell face first into the gravel, scraped up his face, and chipped a tooth…we didn’t hear about it from him until a few minutes later when he said, “Daddy, I broke my tooth”….that was it…no drama…just a sweetly spoken and matter-of-fact, “Daddy, I broke my tooth.” Oh, and he’s a big time klutz….no joke…big time.

We couldn’t love these two more, and we are thankful to God for every day we have with them. Our son and daughter…Alexander & Eliana. Happy Birthday, Tizzy & Lex!

p.s. Let’s not forget our firstborn…Blue. This dog has more patience than anyone I know. She lets them crawl all over her, be noisy during her nap times, and she just lays there, with an occasional growl, to let them know she’s annoyed. She’s the best dog I’ve ever had, and she’s a big part of our family, and the twins love her.

  • Ashley wise - In a single blog post I grinned like a big ole idiot, laughed out loud and welled up with tears. Thanks for sharing this! So wonderful πŸ™‚

  • suzyb - Happy birthday to your babies!!! They are BEAUTIFUL! (and so glad you got your ‘first-born’ in there too for some pics, what a trooper :))

  • Kristin - They are seriously some of the most adorable kiddos I have EVER seen. What precious littles you have! πŸ™‚ Happy birthday to them both!

  • Vicki Chaney - Hi Nina

    I am writing because I am a mother of boy/girl twins adopted from Ethiopia as well. πŸ™‚ Our kids ( Jonas and Jember) are 5 years old. (We returned home from Addis Ababa when they were barely 3 months old. Whew. Time flies!) Anyway, just wanted you to know how much we’ve loved watching your video “musings”. Your kids are beautiful. We wished we lived closer because you all look awesome and it would be fun to know you. πŸ™‚ (But alas. We live way up in Bellingham, WA!) Blessings to your awesome family!

    Vicki Chaney